Der Schulmeister

Der Schulmeister is an online management tool for skydiving schools that is deployed at multiple dropzones worldwide since 2011 and is continuously improved and expanded.

Easy Management

Der Schulmeister helps you to keep track of all things going on in your school:

  • Manage data of students, instructors and equipment in a clean and multi-device compatible web interface.
  • Log and keep track of all classroom lessons taken by your students.
  • Log and keep track of all training jumps, exercises done and instructor's involved.
  • Use the statistics tool to provide your authorities with complete and up-to-date logs and insights during audits and in annual reports.
  • Students and instructors all get their own login credentials - providing them with just the information they need.
  • The anonymous feedback tool helps student and instructors to speak frankly about anything on their minds.
  • Create PDF training records for students and instructors alike.
  • Organize shifts, labor hours and work jumps for all your dropzone's staff.

Advanced Skill Tree

The heart of Der Schulmeister is a tree based skill-system that not only logs all jumps and classroom lessons, but also knows where in his training a student currently stands.

Based on this knowledge, Der Schulmeister makes suggestions about which exercise(s) he should approach next and locks those he is just not ready to attempt, helping a student to be more actively involved in the planning of their own training.

This also reduces the risk of students taking a less optimal or potentially unsafe path during their training - especially on busy dropzones, where instructors might more easily lose track of an individual student's progress.

Until you have seen it for yourself, you may think of it quite similar to what you know from Online Role Playing Games - students even got a familiar progress bar!

Finally, you as a school's head of training can fully customize the skill-tree. (For what it's worth, you could even use Der Schulmeister for your scuba-diving school or cooking classes.)
You may also create an unlimited number of different skill trees, for instance if you want to facilitate post-license training or your school offers both, AFF and static-line courses at the same time.

Built-In API

Der Schulmeister comes with it's own programming API and will work nicely with your existing manifest solution and other software tools. For example, you might use it to warn your staff of students trying to manifest without a proper briefing by an instructor or to automatically log manifested jumps into Der Schulmeister, thus eliminating a lot of manual paperwork.

Ask for a Free Trial Now

Der Schulmeister is available for a truely unlimited, full-feature One Year Trial for anybody interested.

After your trial period pricing scales nicely with the size of your operation, as there is neither a basic nor a recurrent charge - just a one-time fee per student that always comes with unlimited logged jumps, lessons, instructors and gear.


I will gladly give you a personal tour of Der Schulmeister online. Please do not hesitate to contact me about such an introduction or with any other question you might have - I'm always happy to answer!

Paul Alexandrow
Rainergasse 31/21
1040 Wien

+43 699 10886656

Hop And Pop VR

Sorry for the spam, but if you are reading this, chances are you might also be interested in another project of mine:
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